Scholarship & Teaching
Kate’s interdisciplinary research and teaching draws on feminist, womanist, and queer theologies, design thinking, biblical studies, and theopoetics.
As a theological educator, Kate’s passion is to share tools and knowledge in a mutual learning environment where students can imagine just, sustainable, and generative change across a variety of contexts.
Undoing Conquest: Ancient Israel, the Bible and the Future of Christianity (Orbis Books, Feb. 2024)
Desiring Utopia: The Queer Feminist Church (In progress, AAR Academy Series/Oxford University Press)
Current graduate courses:
Transforming Leadership by Design
Justice and Practices of Ministry
Engaging the Bible in Community and Culture
Social Justice and Sacred Texts
Cross-cultural Immersions (South Africa, Chiapas, Mexico, Costa Rica, Arizona, American South)
Feminist & Womanist Ethics of Leadership